Robert: Starbucks to add olive oil to drinks
Written by Robert Shawn on February 23, 2023
How do you take your coffee? With sugar? Cream? Maybe a teaspoon of olive oil?
Starbucks is releasing a new line of drinks made with extra virgin olive oil.
The new line of EVOO drinks include a latte with oat milk and olive oil, called an Oleato, an Oleato ice shaken espresso with oat milk, hazelnut flavour and olive oil, and the Oleato golden foam cold brew, made with a version of Starbucks’ sweet milk foam infused with two servings of olive oil.
“It is one of the biggest launches we’ve had in decades,” said Brady Brewer, Starbucks’ chief marketing officer. “Rather than a flavour or a product, it’s really a platform.”
But out of all the things to add to coffee, why olive oil?
The company hints they anticipate coffee lovers will take to the new drinks either out of curiosity or because of the health benefits related to extra virgin olive oil.
You’ll be able to ask your local Starbucks barista for a shot olive oil later this year.