Hugh: You Can Get Paid to Eat and Rank Every Tim Horton’s Donut
Written by Hugh Campbell on October 7, 2022
If your dream job involves chowing down on donuts, oh boy do we have an opportunity for you. The good people at Time2Play are looking for some people to get down to business and rank some Timmie’s treats. That’s right, they’re looking for Tim Horton’s donut testers and will pay you $500 for your troubles. Four applicants will be selected and will be expected to taste every single donut and Timbit and your local Tim Horton’s and report back with a ranking. So, what kind of qualifications do you need to become a donut tester? It turns out, not many. All Canadians 21 and over can apply, and you’ll need your appetite, a sweet tooth, and a dedication to donuts. Interested in this sweet gig? You can apply by clicking here.