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Hugh: What Do People Post Way Too Much of on Social Media? Here are the Top 5 Answers

Written by on March 24, 2023


People tend to overshare on social media. No matter the platform, chances are you can think of a person or account that probably puts at little too much out there. Of course, people tend to post more about some topics than others, so we’re wondering, what are the things people are tired of seeing so much online? One study asked people what topics they think are overshared on social media and maybe unsurprisingly, political views grabbed the number one spot. In fact, it’s the only topic that the majority of people agree they see too much of. Check out the top five answers below and let us know what you think should have made the list.

  1. Political views
  2. Mundane daily life
  3. Bodily functions
  4. Kids
  5. Religious beliefs


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