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Hugh: Science Shows Being “Hangry” is a Real Thing

Written by on July 8, 2022


“Sorry about that, I was hangry.”

If you’ve found yourself being extra irritable when you haven’t eaten in a while, science has your back. Scientists of UK’s Anglia Ruskin University have shown irritability and anger levels actually do rise along with hunger. 64 adults aged 18 to 60 participated in the three-week experiment where they were asked to log their self-identified levels of hunger, irritability, anger, pleasure, and energy on scales of zero to 100. While scientists are not sure why hunger and our emotional state may be linked, researchers suspect that it might be due to low blood sugar. Another theory researchers have is that “we’re more likely to interpret contextual clues in a negative way” when we’re hungry. One thing is for sure though, being hangry is real.


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