Hugh: Be Honest, Do You Use Your Partner’s Razor to Shave? Over a Quarter of Canadians Say Yes
Written by Hugh Campbell on August 23, 2022
In a relationship, you end up sharing a lot of things, but some items can be off-limits. What about your razor? A new study commissioned by Dollar Shave Club and conducted by Angus Reid asked Canadians about their shaving habits and found that 32 percent of women admit to taking their partner’s razor to shave without permission, while 20 percent of men do the same. Now, you’ve also got to wonder whether borrowing shaving equipment is a big deal or not. On that note, we also see a divide between women and men. 44 percent of women surveyed said they’d be upset if they found out their partner was using their razor, while 38 percent of men wouldn’t be cool with it.