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Hugh: Yeet, Adorkable, and Virtue Signaling Among Newest Batch of Words Added to Dictionary

Written by on September 7, 2022


Language is an ever-evolving thing, and every so often (at least once a year), new words and phrases get added to the dictionary. Merriam Webster has released a list of 370 new additions to the English dictionary and they cover a lot of ground. Check out some of them below.

Dumbphone: a cell phone that does not include advanced software features typically found on smartphones

Supply chain: the chain of processes, businesses etc. by which a commodity is produced and distributed: the companies, materials, and systems involved in manufacturing and delivering goods

Greenwashing: the act or practice of making a product, policy, activity, etc. appear to be more environmentally friendly or less environmentally damaging than it really is

Metaverse: a persistent virtual environment that allows access to and interoperability of multiple individual virtual realities also: any of the individual virtual environments that make up a metaverse

Dawn chorus:  the singing of wild birds that closely precedes and follows sunrise especially in spring and summer

Magnet fishing: the sport or hobby of using a strong magnet attached to the end of a rope to find metal objects in bodies of water

Mud season: a time of year (such as early spring) that is characterized by excessively muddy ground

Yeet: interjection, slang — used to express surprise, approval, or excited enthusiasm verb : to throw especially with force and without regard for the thing being thrown

Adorkable: socially awkward or quirky in a way that is endearing

Sus: suspicious, suspect


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