Hugh: Poll Reveals the Most and Least Attractive Jobs
Written by Hugh Campbell on July 4, 2023
Is your job considered sexy? A relationship website recently conducted a poll asking men and women which professions they think are the “most sexually attractive” and personally, I don’t think there are too many surprises in the results. According to women, the sexiest professions are firefighter, builder, police officer, doctor, mechanic, paramedic, musician, electrician, farmer, and lawyer. The answers varied quite a bit for men, as only two jobs (three if you count musician and singer as the same thing) were in both lists. Men say the most attractive professions are flight attendant, nurse, secretary, teacher, actor, police officer, doctor, bartender, maid, and singer.
On the other side of things, there are some jobs that did not score well at all in terms of appealing to the opposite sex. One thing that men and women can both agree on is that the least sexy job is being a judge. The rest of the bottom five are web developers, politicians, marketing executives, and designers.