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Hugh: Research Shows the World’s Happiest People Have Four Things in Common

Written by on March 13, 2023


If you ask a bunch of people what makes them happy, you’ll probably get a whole bunch of different answers. We all have individual circumstances and preferences that make us who we are. However, when it comes down to a few base factors, psychologists have found that the happiest people out there tend to have four things in common.

First, move your body. You don’t have to clock several hours at the gym every week, you just have to be active. We’ve known for years that there’s a strong link between your physical activity and your mental wellbeing. Whether it’s walking or biking instead of driving, or choosing to go swimming instead of watching TV, a bit of exercise in your life can increase your happiness.

Second, connect with others. Making time to engage with friends and family can give you a big boost. It doesn’t take much to reach out, listen, and converse with people you know, so maybe make it a more regular thing in your life.

Third, be thankful. By practicing gratitude, we get ourselves into a more optimistic mindset where we tend to think about the positive things in our lives. Some people use gratitude journals and others just say ‘thank you’ to others as much as possible. Whatever works for you, being thankful means being positive.

Fourth, spend time with your pets. Dogs are called man’s best friend for a reason. Research shows that pets provide companionship, and comfort while lowing anxiety and depression. Dogs especially can help motivate us to get out and be active. Grab a ball and spend 15 minutes  playing with your dog – you’ll feel better than you would have just sitting on your phone.


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