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Hugh: NL Ranks Second on List of Provinces That Eat the Most Kraft Dinner

Written by on October 6, 2022


For years it’s been a stereotype that Canadians love their Kraft Dinner, but within the country, are there some places that chow down on some KD more than others? Not only is the answer yes, but our province ranks pretty close to the top. Recently, Time2Play conducted a survey that asked Canadian households across the country about their eating habits and have established a ranking of the ten provinces by how much Kraft Dinner they eat (not enough data from the three territories was available to include them in the list). It turns out that the province at the top of the list is the small but hungry Prince Edward Island, eating 4 boxes of the stuff a month. Newfoundland and Labrador ranks second, at 3.62 boxes. For reference, the average household across the country eats 3.15 boxes of KD a month. Rounding out the top five are Alberta at 3.47 boxes a month, Quebec at 3.12, and Manitoba at 3.04. Curiously, the province that enjoys Kraft Dinner the least is Saskatchewan, whose residents still consume 2.53 boxes a month.


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