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Hugh: French’s is Releasing a Ketchup-Flavoured Popsicle in Canada

Written by on June 21, 2022


There’s been a trend over the last few years where companies will release a limited-edition product that just seems irredeemably awful. The latest instance is French’s (yeah, the condiment people) announcing that they are releasing a ketchup-flavoured popsicle in Canada. If you thought it couldn’t get any worse, you’re wrong because they’re calling it the “Frenchsicle” and say the “savoury tomato flavour is perfectly balanced with a hint of salty sweetness.” The terrible item is being made with the help of Happy Pops, a company that makes all-natural icy treats from real fruit. At this point, if you’re like me, you’re remembering that tomato is technically a fruit and you’re shaking your head. Fortunately, it seems like French’s doesn’t have any plans to ship the frozen mistake to Newfoundland, as it’ll be available at pop-up shops in Leamington, ON (where French’s has a production plant), as well as Toronto and Vancouver.


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